Working with command line on VPS

I have a VPS that is running some software. there are some CLI commands that I normally use to get the software to do what I want it to do. I am wondering if I can get bubble to:

  1. log into the VPS via SSH with a command like ssh login@ and supply password
  2. change to the correct directory
  3. issue commands required to get the software to do what I need
  4. record the outputs from those commands into states in bubble

the user of the bubble app shouldn’t see any of this happening.


As I know, there’s no ssh accessible from within Bubble at the present time. Very soon (hopefully), you can run your own NPM software, so that will be a game changer. You can build (maybe) or sponsor it with Bubble.

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So, I figured out that there was no way to do what I wanted to do with bubble. So I paid someone to create a javascript wrapper for the CLI that provided an API so I can do what I want with bubble.

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