+ 300 Violations from Google Chrome console and plugin subscription error

From recent Bubble update (I submitted a bug report 3 weeks ago approx), there’s + 300 warning violations things on my pages… and sometime an error of ‘subcription commercial license’. Anyone knows how to temp. remove that glitch or correct the situation?

update: The solution to remove the ‘subcription error’ is to uninstall the plugin (and of course, put it back).

I would email mailto:support@bubble.is

Hi @marcusandrews, I know well (by heart) bubble email :slight_smile:
Sometime, that kind of buggus can be fixed with some patch (even is temp.). So maybe someone have found a solution? And good idea, I will submit a follow up.

The second problem (subscription error) can’t be reproduce, as it appeared randomly.

I’ve seen the same error. I didn’t notice any performance issues, but it did make it harder to find issues in the Console.

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