☁️ AWS File Uploader No File Size Limit- New Plugin from Zeroqode

Hey @rio, good news, we have fixed it, please update the plugin, and enjoy it.

If you like our plugin you can rate it by going to Plugins tab in Bubble editor. Find the plugin by name and it give it as many stars as it deserves :slight_smile: The more feedback we get, the more motivated we are to make things better in Bubble.

Thank you,

Hey Nik, @ZeroqodeSupport
Thanks for this update! But I could not get the file size though.

This is what I did to test it.

  1. Removed the AWS File Uploader and reinstalled the latest version(1.34.0)
  2. I cleared cache of the browser(Chrome).

Will you try uploading the list of images on my app? I still have your address in the collaboration list.
Thanks again.


Hi there @rio sorry for making you to wait, so on the issue which you faced is because you had two Uploaders into your page with the same names, you upload the files into one AWS Uploader but trying to receive the filesize from another one which is empty.

I changed the name of the Uploader which is in Pop-up Image Uploader and now you can see this. Now you have to change all the actions which create new content, for receiving the filesize from uploader B, not A.

I hope now you will have success if something went wrong let me know.

Thank you,

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Hi, thanks for finding the cause of my issue. Although I did get the file size on my db, I see another issue regarding the actual file sizes.

I keep having the same numbers of kb just like this.

I uploaded two pictures at first.
Then, I see the wrong file size at the second attempt. I picked different pictures but the file size was exactly same as the first two pictures. And I keep having the first two pictures’s file size all the time.

I think it does not clear the cache of first uploaded pictures.
Does it make sense?

Sorry for my the persistent feedback.

Hi @levon : Can you tell me if this plugin still works? What if my users can upload
videos in 4K resolution?
Thank you very much.

yes, the plugin works and 4K resolutions should be possible too.

sorry somehow we missed your message, I will ask my team to check it out and get back to you.
Sorry about that


Hello @rio

Really sorry about the delay here, firstly for missing the post about the issue.

We pushed an update for it with a fix. Please upgrade to latest version of plugin, refresh the app, place the plugin on page and give it a try.
Thanks for understanding.

Zeroqode Team.

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Thank you so much for this update!!
It seems to be working great!

I am getting the correct file sizes with multiple file upload.


Hi @levon: I’m testing AWS File Uploader. I can’t figure out how it works?

  • How to upload files? (Step by step)
  • How to delete files (Step by step)

Do I need to save files outside the Bubble database?

Thank you very much.

After reading the documentation and searching and after many error messages, it seems working. Now I need to figure out how to save and delete files :wink:

Hi, can somebody help please?

I’m trying to save files but it doesn’t work. (No URL. Nothing happened)


What did I do wrong?


@ZeroqodeSupport Plugin works great, but want to know if there is a way to specify which file within a bucket to upload to.

So for example.

  1. Lets say I have an image I upload and is set to “uuid/filename”
  2. The unique file is created and the file is added.
  3. I now want to use that same file id to add additional images for the same user so that all files from a unique user are located in the same file, rather than all being added in the same bucket or the same file.

Is this possible?

If not can you add this to the features list?




Hello @StevenM

Thanks for reaching out!
We received same request on Zeroqode Forum and we’re working on there. We’ll update on the matter, asap.
Thanks understanding.

Is there an option yet for restricting access to authenticated read/write? Don’t see it on the documentation but thought maybe the plugin had been updated before the tutorial.

Would be happy to pay for this but secure storage is a must-have for me!


Hi @adamroach94,

Thanks for reaching out and sorry for late response. Unfortunately, this plugin doesn’t implement an option to restrict the access to authenticated read/write.

Thank you for understanding.

Best regards,
Zeroqode Team

Hi @ZeroqodeSupport team!

After testing several scenarios using your plugin for the last 4 months, I finally found the issue that was causing me headaches. And it’s an issue that can cause big problems for Spanish speakers. I have found that when the filename contains an accent , the file cannot be deleted from the AWS bucket, and if you try to delete it manually form the S3 console it gives an error. Can you please take a look? It’d be great to solve it because it can increase a lot the amount of files stored that cannot be deleted, with the cost it can have in the long term.
Thanks a lot for your help!

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Hello @levon, does this plugin allow you to transcode the videos uploaded? I’d like for users to upload lets say a 4k quality video and then when they are played back on the app it is a SD quality video ensuring most people can watch the video without interruption. If not, do you have a solution available elsewhere?

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Hi folks,

Thanks for reaching out.

@Diego we already monitor your request in this thread here https://forum.zeroqode.com/t/aws-file-uploader-new-plugin-from-zeroqode/706/92 for further updates.

@hiyspyservices unfortunately, it is not possible to accomplish with our plugin because it is simply uploading and getting your S3 bucket files.

If you are interested in converting, perhaps you can use some other plugin on this matter, but we are afraid it won’t be possible to interfere with our one, because changing the video quality would require manipulations at code level, which is impossible.

Thanks for understanding. :pray:

Best regards,
Zeroqode Team

Sup hiyspywithmylilServices…

I have the SAME question!
zerocode doesn’t seem to address this!

Let’s see who shows up to talk about this. I’ve tried Ziggeo in the past, and of course there’s always Vimeo… But I’d really like to be running my videos via AWS! AWS has transcoding services. However Bubblers are signed up to store our content and files on AWS via Bubble hosting… We can’t directly access AWS services unless we sign up for another account… (I’m getting a headache already!)

Keep in touch!



Hi @ashley.benson.tait,

Thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, it is not possible to transcode your uploaded videos via our plugin, as previously mentioned. Our AWS File Uploader is simply uploading your files to your S3 bucket, meaning there isn’t an option to choose how to influence your files on this matter on upload.

However, we’ve taken your feedback into account and will look into future possibilities of improvement, if feasible. :pray:

Best regards,
Zeroqode Team