Collating and saving data

Hi Guys,
How do I send/save data, e.g. every user who votes, the system saves it, and identifies which user voted which way?

go to bubble lessons " in your bubble home page" there is a lesson named “Saving and modifying data” that lesson explains what you ask exactly

Welcome to the Bubble.
Here you can get by without coding (most of the time). But you do need to understand logics and programming, bubble won’t do that for you. You will have to figure out.
There is always more than one way of accomplishing these goals.
I suggest you take a look at bubble’s lessons first and then go through @romanmg Youtube videos to get started.
Its a lonely exercise though. Most of the time. You will need to take some time and give it a try. Many times. There is no better way to get there.
And, when you hit a wall, jump in the Forum. Searching the forum threads will answer many questions that will come up on the way too.

This is my personnal experience with bubble, starting from scratch.

Hope this will help your journey :grin:

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