Create & upload a JSON file to Bubble storage

I’m trying to reformat my api for some data in bubble to fit this format:
I’ve found a variety of plugins that let me format it in this way, but I have no clue where I can store it so I can reference it from another website.

Does anybody know what a way to go about this?

items: [{
“activation_date_date”: “2019-01-10T06:30:50.316Z”,
“category_custom_category”: {
“single_api”: true
“category_text_text”: null,
“company_custom_company”: null,
“company_text_text”: null,
“default_file_file”: “//”,
“description_text”: “:heavy_dollar_sign: Price shown includes delivery.\n\n​:ship: Containers are guaranteed wind and water tight to protect your belongings from the elements. All gaskets are properly sealed and doors function and lock correctly.\n\nMessage :memo: or call :iphone:for details.”,
“email_text”: "",
“image_image”: null,
“location_geographic_address”: {
“address”: “Novato, CA, USA”,
“lat”: 38.1074198,
“lng”: -122.5697032

I too am looking for the answer to this.