De-Select Star Rating?

I am using the star rating feature to allow my users to mark a client as a ‘favorite’ (so there is only 1 star available to select). However, once the star has been selected, Bubble is not allowing me to de-select it. Any thoughts why?

Hi @calicass83,

You should use a regular star icon for this instead. Have a field under the User type called “Favorite Clients” which is a list of Clients (or Users… wherever Client is set up).

When star icon is clicked and Current User’s Favorite Client’s doesn’t contain This Client > Make a change to current user: Favorite Clients add This Client

When star icon is clicked and Current User’s Favorite Client’s contains This Client > Make a change to current user: Favorite Clients remove This Client

Style the icon in an “unselected” state… like a light color or unfilled star icon. Add a condition to the icon. When Current User’s Favorite Clients > change the style to something that looks different like a darker color or change the icon to a filled in star.

Now, this icon is acting like a toggle and the style changes based on the User’s Favorites field.

Gaby | Coaching Bubble
Private coaching, courses, and tons of free resources

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Interesting Gaby, I will try that. Thanks!

So, Clients have their own database - are you saying I should create a separate database for Favorite Clients?

Under the User data type, you’ll just want to create a single field labeled “Favorite Clients” with the type of “Client” and check the checkbox for “list” so that the field can have multiple values (ie, a list of Clients).

I have a tutorial video on how to modify a list field like this: