Looking for a UX/UI freelancer to finish my app - OPEN AGAIN

Hi guys and gals,

I have an app that is very rough around the edges, it pretty much does what i need it to do (except export to excel, struggling with that one, if you can help all the better ! ). However it is BUTT UGLY as I have no experience in design whatsoever, and I suck at it !
Basically i need someone to make this all look pretty and intuitive, and somewhat resemble something i could profit of in the future. For now, this is only an internal use app for testing the idea purposes.

you can view a public version here :

Please private message me with an estimate of costs for this project, and any portfolio you may have. I need a finished product that I could still tweak and expand in the future. Payment will be via paypal or stripe, or via upwork if you prefer. I will need an invoice.

for info on the sort of look I’m going for, have a look at my website www.ekiden.co
The app is in french, but should not be an issue for ux/ui design ?

Don’t hesitate to message me for info.
Thanks !!


Hello @marj

Please check your PM


@DennisF has some great UI/UX experience and has brought up the topic of UI assistance in the past, might be a good fit

1 Like

Thanks @gf_wolfer for the mention and shout out. @marj I’ll shoot you a DM.

Thanks everyone for your replies, I will keep the post open for at least another week or so. FYI budget is limited (around US$ 400-500), at this stage of my project it might be more suited for a student looking for some experience…
If you’re happy with that budget, please let me know in your message what is included in your offer.
Thanks !

Hi @marj

Pm’ed you. Please, check.


Parghev Kocharyan
PM@Bubblewits - #1 No-code Developer & Bubble Certified Partner
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Just a few tips that I think might help and that I believe aid in the interface design. The human eye looks for order so if your elements are misaligned, subconsciously we may think it looks a bit quirky. I have taken some small section screenshots from your public dev. link above to show some of these points. This can go a long way towards making things look just right. On the other hand, to make things beautiful, consider a graphic designer, I have worked with a few over the years. Someone like that can make your users go from liking your app. to loving it. Best of luck.

Image A
Notice the boxes inside the red box are misaligned by a tiny bit
While the repeating group on the left may look too cluttered, consider reducing the number of items you can see at one time. Unless you are trying to show lots of items at the time for practical reasons.
38 PM

Image B
Notice how your text are in uneven planes. Work to get your content aligned horizontally where it makes sense.
00 PM

Image C
Notice how your blue buttons are not in the same vertical alignment
Your text above starts just a little bit after the left side of the button

Image D
Notice again where your boxes are miss aligned.
Consider making the multiline input the same height to align the top of the top-left box and the bottom of the bottom-left box.
09 PM

One thing that helps a lot is to group items that go together (right-click group items) that way you can align them to the edges and things get organized faster.

Final thought
UX is also about application flow and navigation. This I could not see in action. You want this to be intuitive in order to reduce confusion and learning curve.

Let me know if this helps. Hope you can get the point where your users love your app.

Feel free to contact me at any time…



Hi thank you all for your messages and thank you @mente12 for your remarks.
I have found a great UX / UI freelance so the job offer is now closed.

Thanks again !

You are welcome. Please let us know when you awesome app is ready.


Hi again, @mattmazzega did an awesome job re-designing the app, but awesomeness has a downside as he is now super busy with other things ! (Thanks so much for your work Matt !)
I need some more help finalizing one more thing : print layout for a table page.
This table here https://bubble.io/page?type=page&name=tableauprint&id=ekidencandidats&tab=tabs-1 I would like the user to be able to print to A4 or A3 paper, regardless of browser used, with accurate breaks between rows (nb of rows can vary between 5 to 80+)… as in not cutting in the middle of a row to go to the next page. If anyone is willing to help out and build on Matt’s work (for a fee of course) I would very much appreciate it !
Please pm me if you think you can help…
Thanks !

ÉDIT : I’m not sure this is actually feasible in bubble, if it’s definitely not, please advise… I have a backup plan if needed.