Looking for freelance bubble.is dev for MVP

Hello there! I’m looking to hire a freelance bubble dev to work on an MVP for a client. I need support in designing the workflow and implementing the main functionalities of a web and mobile version of the app. The app will connect to a data source via API, allow basic CRUD functions and should have a management dashboard.
Sector: NGO / Development / Not-for-Profit

Anyone out there interested in having a chat?

Please check PM

Hi Pedro,
If in case you are still looking out for some help, I would be glad to help you out as this is well within my area of expertise.
Feel free to PM me or reach out to me on andrewjohnson56782@gmail.com
Best Wishes,

Hey Miguel,

I work at The Upstarters https://theupstarters.com and I have just sent you a private message.

Look forward to chatting to you,
