Love the new look!

Love the new look Bubble! It looks a lot more professional now and more serious.
Looks like the editor is a lot faster as well! Fantastic work @emmanuel @josh and team

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I agree the design is very nice, but, @help, I don’t think this should of went under the “question” category. :slight_smile:


Agreed - they should create a category called ‘Just patting the team on the back’ or something :slight_smile:


Hello @help, I agree with everything you have said! I agree that the editor does seem a lot faster, as you said. I also agree with you that the new blue Bubble uses does look a lot more professional, once again as you said. I hope they will improve Bubble even more, such as adding more elements for people to use and other things along those lines.

Thanks for pointing out those very good points here on Bubble!

Have a wonderful day/night!

Kind Regards,