San Francisco / Bay Area - Seeking Bubble Collaborators

If you know of anyone in the San Francisco / Bay Area, I’m seeking Bubble users who may be open to full or part time roles at my startup. As well, I’d enjoy meeting fellow Bubblers.

Specifically, I built a platform for human resources departments to better manage process, data and analytics around the employee lifecycle. Have funding to build out initial team. Good feedback/validation from core potential users.

Please feel free to comment or send me a private message.

(Apologies for creating this as a forum topic. It appears that LinkedIn doesn’t help filter for Bubblers yet. Perhaps an opportunity for someone looking for a project)?

Hi dan1 would you consider someone from Italy?
Kind Regards,

Hi Mario thanks for your reply. I’m seeking people in the San Francisco area only since I’m looking for employees. Though I wouldn’t mind an excuse to visit Italy :slight_smile:

Hey Dan are you still looking for people on this or any other projects? I’m looking for projects and based in SF/Mountain View.

Love to chat if you are!

Dan, I am sending you a PM

Thanks for reaching out. This post is from about a year back, so needs have changed.

Though I’m always happy to chat with people about Bubble. Will follow-up with you by PM.