SearchBox and "Things"

I am currently trying to set up a thing, when someone creates a character, like shown in the first screenshot down below, they enter their information (focusing only on Character’s Name / Last Name in this thread) and press register. After they press “Register”…

A new thing is being created, “CharacterName” and is shown in a repeating group:
Moving on to another page. I created a popup with a searchbox, to search ANY character that is available (by any i mean any character names that are created not by just 1 user, but by every user that has created a character), but the problem i am having, is that the popup doesn’t want to work.

I might have missed something, but i honestly have no idea what i’ve done wrong.
Any help will be appreciated.

Awaiting response,


The Default value needs to be empty or one of the list items. Search returns a list, so the usual way is add constraints to the search to return the item you want as a default, then add :first item after the search.

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Thank you very much!

Best regards,