Wrong interpretation of Time part when reading date/time in API workflow

Hi all,
Cannot figure out why the date part is misinterpreted by the API.

here is the POST request
https://XXX.bubbleapps.io/version-test/api/1.1/wf/savebooking?bookdate=20190627&booktime=164741&badgenum=&fkey=0&deviceid=M2HDU18124000348&devicecode=5556&company=21db3bf6-8934-11e9-bc42-526af7764f64&bookingmode=2&empid=1560788711788x684914958757527600&**bookingdatetime=06/27/2019 16:47:41**

bookingdatetime is the argument i whant to store in a date type field.

here is the API
and the APi workflow

and how it’s stored in the database

I should have 06/27/2019 04:47 pm

After several tests i have noticed that i have 2h of offset beetween hours sent and hours stored.
GMT problem’s or just the first digit of the time truncated ???

Any idea ?