File uploads > 50MB + Video Capture - New Plugin from Zeroqode

can you show screenshots of your workflows?

I seem to be having an issue with the delete action no longer removes files form upload care @levon

looks like a bug from uploadcare - it doesnā€™t work on their demo page either.
@dmitry-mukhin - can you comment please?

@levon , it seems the locale doesnā€™t work, it always shows English even if you change it any other language. I use open dialogue window via action.

Hey @vascolucci weā€™ll check this out

This has been fixed, please upgrade the plugin, refresh the page and try again

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Hey @levon

Just wanted to ask, although I suspect I know what the answer is (as run a few tests)

But in case I missed something, is there a way (or you know a way) where you can get a count of how many files were selected through the widget, but without having to wait for the uploadcare variables to be populated after the upload has been completed?

I know I can do a count on any the returned lists from the plugin, but Iā€™ve been trying to find out if I can get the number of files selected before the upload process is complete so I can programmatically place spinners in repeatingGroup cells so it shows which cells will have an image loaded in (if that makes sense)

How does ā€œUploadcare Aā€™s Progress of a file upload (%)ā€ work out itā€™s percentage value?
Does it have to know how many files are initially selected and their combined file sizes to do itā€™s calculation? Thatā€™s one of the only values returned before the upload process is complete, perhaps the file count could be returned if it is the caseā€¦ be very helpful to have if others wanted to do calculations based upon this. I think! well, would be in my case anyway.


Hey Paul,
i think itā€™s possible but only through plugin code adjustments. Iā€™m afraid wouldnā€™t be high priority on our list at the moment. Maybe down the road. Sorry about that.

Thatā€™s absolutely fine, I thought it might have been a quickā€™ish thing to add thatā€™s all.
Thanks for getting back to us.

@levon the recent updates to the plugin after 1.23 when i upload images, they call get processed as tiny thumbnails. When i leave it at 1.23 they come out as big normal images.

Hello, @ryan8.

Let us check this out. But could you please post more details with screenshots, workflow setup and information that will help us debug it better. Thanks.

ZQ Team.

Weā€™ve checked the plugin, it works as expected. Could you go to Uploadcare elementā€™s settings and leave the ā€œCrop and aspect ratioā€ field empty:

With these settings the URL will lead to the original image not the thumbnail.

Kind regards,

okay sorry been out of town i will check it out

I retract thisā€¦ it was cause of an account issue with UCā€¦ sorry

Hi everyone - I tried using this plugin, but it doesnā€™t work. Itā€™s not returning the URL of the uploaded video.

I contacted the Uploadcare team regarding this, and they told me that this plugin uses the outdated Uploadcare Widget v3.2.3 instead of the latest one (v3.10.2)

Is this plugin not usable anymore or am I doing something wrong?

Hi, @aljmarkovic!

Thanks for reaching out and your feedback!

Let us check the plugin carefully and we will contact you shortly. Thanks for understanding :pray:

Zeroqode Team

Hi, there!

Thanks for reaching out!

Itā€™s been a while so apologies for the delay, we are glad to notify that we have already updated the pluginšŸ˜Š. Please upgrade the plugin to the latest version, refresh your app and give it a try again.

Note: the Uploader doesnā€™t allow Safari to record a video, just to take a picture. This feature depends on Uploader possibilities and we cannot influence this, unfortunately.

Zeroqode Team

Hello Zeroqode team!
Iā€™ve purchased the plugin. It works but thereā€™s a problem: when youā€™ve just selected some files from you local storage it is frozen for 20-30 seconds and sometimes it throws errors to the browser (ā€œdo you want to wait or close?ā€). Could you help to resolve this please?
Thank you.

Is this plugin still working?

I canā€™t get it to return the URLā€™s?

I can get the UUID but thatā€™s all.

Never mind :slight_smile: I needed to create the URL myself : )